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Enticed by Lady Elianna (Fabled Love Book 3) Page 5
Enticed by Lady Elianna (Fabled Love Book 3) Read online
Page 5
Elianna took her leave from the room, making her way to Lady Aubry’s chambers. Her back and shoulders ached, but she’d not allow the discomfort to stop her. Tonight, she would be the lady she was meant to be.
She paused for a moment when she reached the door to the room that used to be her bedchamber. No one slept there anymore—not since she’d been moved to the servants’ quarters. Did the room remain as she’d left it?
Her hand shook as she reached for the handle. Stealing herself against what she might find, Elianna tried to yank on the handle. It did not budge. She jiggled the door but made no headway. Lady Berkly must have ordered it sealed. Just as well. There was nothing for her within, beyond painful memories of a happier time.
This evening, she would forget about what had become of her and enjoy herself, if only for a few hours. Elianna squared her shoulders and plastered a smile on her face. She deserved to dance, to flirt, and laugh. She deserved to enjoy herself. Therefore, she would.
Lady Aubry and Anna spent over an hour dressing and primping Elianna. Her hair had been piled on top of her head in an intricate up-do with plaits and curls and a blue ribbon woven through it to match her frock. Her lips had been painted red as well. She did not even recognize herself as she stared into the looking glass. “You two are like fairy godmothers,” she said on a sigh.
“God sisters, we are not all that old,” Anna corrected, her tone whimsical.
“Do turn, let us have a look,” Lady Aubry encouraged.
Elianna turned to them with measured movements, worried she’d mess up her hair if she twirled with haste. As they studied her, she smoothed the silky skirt of her gown. For the first time since Father passed away, she felt like a lady. “Thank you both for all you have done.”
“The only thanks we require is for you to enjoy yourself this evening.” Anna approached with Elianna’s mask in hand. “Are you ready?”
Elianna nodded, a smile tugging at her lips.
Anna placed the ornate feather mask over Elianna’s face and secured it with the blue ribbons Lady Aubry had attached to it. She was truly ready now. Her pulse quickened as she turned back to the looking glass.
“You will be the belle of the ball, my dear. And remember, should you need me, I will be there.”
“Thank you, Lady Aubry.”
“Do call me Rose. We are friends, after all.” Lady Aubry held up a strand of pearls. “I want you to wear these.” She unfolded her other hand to reveal a pair of pearl earbobs.
“Oh.” Elianna’s hand went to her chest. “I couldn’t possibly.”
Rose handed them to Anna. “You can and will.” She grinned. “I must join my husband now, but I will see you in the ballroom.”
“Indeed you will.” Elianna beamed at her.
Anna reached around Elianna’s neck, securing the pearls in place as Rose quit the room. “I told you Lady Aubry would make a splendid collaborator.” She secured the earbobs before stepping back.
“You were wise to enlist her,” Elianna agreed. “Moreover, thank you for not allowing me to give into my fears.”
“Promise me something.” Anna locked gazes with Elianna.
“Anything, Anna.”
She glanced away for a moment before continuing. “When you take your proper place in life, you won’t forget me.”
“Oh, Anna. I could never forget you.” Elianna pulled her into an embrace. “Should I ever become Lady Elianna again, I will take you with me. You will become much more than a maid and get to realize your dreams, too.”
Anna nodded, hugging Elianna in return. “Now be gone with you.”
“I will see you after.” Elianna walked to the door an extra sway in her steps.
“Remember, you only have until midnight,” Anna called as she exited the room.
Elianna glanced back. “I will be mindful of the time.”
Anna jerked her head toward the ballroom. “Go.”
Chapter 7
Elianna rooted herself beside a potted fern to survey the ballroom. She could not find Lord Sinclair in the crush. Drat. If she remained in place, Lady Caroline or her mother would grow curious. A mysterious woman floating around the edge of the room as though she did not belong would surely draw unwanted attention. Elianna worked to calm her nerves. All would be well.
She need only find Lord Sinclair and have her dance. Once she’d accomplished that, she would return above stairs, change, and wait for Lady Caroline’s midnight appearance. Elianna drew in a deep breath. Simple as English tarts.
Stepping away from the fern, she walked toward the refreshment table. Perhaps she would look less conspicuous if she got a drink. Leastwise, it would give her a solid reason for hanging out on the fringes of the ball.
Her heart leapt at the sight of Lord Sinclair, then she froze in place when her gaze landed on his companions. Lady Caroline stood by the table, a glass of lemonade in her hand as she conversed with Lady Berkly and Lord Sinclair. The trio easily recognized due to their simplistic masks. Lord Sinclair’s covered one half of his face, while the Berkly ladies’ masks only covered the area directly around their eyes.
Elianna closed her eyes for a heartbeat. No way could she approach him while he stood with them. Her stomach soured. What if she never got the chance?
Do not just stand here, ninny. Forgetting about refreshments, she turned and went back the other way, moving toward the opposite side of the room. If she were caught, she’d lose her chance to dance with the viscount for sure.
With her heart pounding, she wove in and out between masked lords and ladies, potted ferns, and floral arrangements until she reached a shielded alcove. After ducking behind the curtain, she breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps she would stay here for a spot and regroup.
Garrett nodded with irritation. Why could he not shake free of Lady Caroline? The chit followed him around the ballroom like a lost pup. He’d done his duty and danced a set with her—still she would not leave him alone. Worse, her mother’s hawkish eyes seemed to follow his every move. Try as he might, he could not outmaneuver the chit or her husband-hunting mama.
He glanced around the room hoping for an excuse—any reason at all to remove himself from the ladies’ company. He needed to find Miss Elianna. Surely, she was here, but blast it all, everyone wore masks. It would make the task of recognizing her much more difficult.
Not that any of that mattered if he did not get away from his hostess and her irritating offspring. He needed an excuse, but what? Garrett scanned the crush of guest’s once more, his irritation growing more with each moment that passed. He did not recognize a single person in the ballroom. He took another cursory look, his spirits improving when he spotted his friends entering the crush. He turned back to the ladies occupying his time. “Lord and Lady Aubry have arrived. I must greet them.”
Lady Caroline slipped her hand through the crook of his arm. “Do allow me to join you, my lord.”
“Splendid idea,” Lady Berkly said, her eyes dancing.
Garrett bit back his aggravation. “Very well.” He led Lady Caroline across the room to where his friends stood. Lucky for him, he knew what their masks looked like. Lady Aubry made them herself and was so pleased with how they turned out she had to show them to him. A fact he would be forever grateful for.
“Good evening, Lord and Lady Aubry.” Garrett dropped a chaste kiss on Rose’s hand. “I trust you are both acquainted with Lady Caroline.” He grimaced as the chit clutched his arm a bit tighter.
“Indeed.” Lady Aubry smiled. “Lady Caroline, your family has outdone themselves with this ball.”
“Thank you, my lady. Mother and I planned every aspect of the party.” Lady Caroline beamed with pride.
Bloody hell, he would lose his mind if he were forced to spend much more time in her company. Garrett silently begged his friends to save him from the relentless chit. His gaze locked on Rose’s. He widened his eyes and jerked his head slightly toward the bane of his existence. His mouth formed the word, help.<
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Rose turned her attention to her husband. “Did you not tell me you wished to dance a set with Lady Caroline?”
An expression of shock crossed Aubry’s face, but he recovered quickly, giving the chit a smile. “Indeed. Lady Caroline, may I have this set.”
She released Garrett’s arm, making sure to brush her hand across his forearm. “Yes, my lord.”
Aubry shot a murderous look at Garrett before leading the chit away.
“I would wager your husband had no plans to dance with the viper?” Garrett smirked at Rose.
“He’ll survive.” She flipped open her fan. “Look for a white feather mask and an icy blue gown. Go before you lose your opportunity.”
Surprise followed by understanding washed over Garrett. Rose had helped Miss Elianna. Why? For what reason would she require Rose’s assistance? One more reason to believe the woman was in trouble. His stomach soured. “For what r—”
“It matters not.” Rose waved her fan dismissively. “Go.”
He could not argue that haste was necessary. Yet still, the why and how mattered to him. Garrett walked the perimeter of the room searching for a woman matching Rose’s description. He would have answers.
Garrett sidestepped a gentleman, narrowly avoiding a collision with him. So focused was he on his search for Elianna he failed to notice what was right in front of him. Where the devil was she?
A movement off to the side caught his attention. He turned his head in time to see a curtain flutter back into place, a white feather mask ducking behind it. His heart skipped a beat. Elianna. Without considering his actions, he made haste, dashing into the alcove.
“Ah,” she squeaked in surprise.
He reached for her arm, stilling her before she could leave. “Elianna, stay.”
“Lord Sinclair?” she asked in a hushed tone.
“Indeed, it is I.” He relaxed his hold but did not release her entirely. “I have been looking for you since the ball commenced. Why are you hiding?” Garrett squinted in a vain attempt to see her more clearly. The dark space concealed her well. He could barely see her shape let alone make out her features.
“I simply wished for a moment of privacy.”
“Why did you not go to the ladies’ retiring room?” He leaned closer to her, inhaling her scent. Soft and sweet, but not exotic—like a summer rose. He smiled when she did not pull away, and for the first time since they’d met, he had to admit she was more than the mystery surrounding her. She affected him on a deeper level.
“There would likely be other ladies in there and I wished to be alone.” She shifted her position. “It is stifling in here.”
He wanted the same thing—to be alone with her. “Allow me to escort you outside. Fresh air will make a world of difference.”
“I would like that, my lord.”
“Garrett. Call me Garrett,” he finished in a low, seductive tone, wrapping her hand around his arm.
“Very well, Garrett. And you have leave to address me as Elianna.”
He peeked from behind the curtain to survey their surroundings, paying special attention to the dance floor. Lady Caroline still danced with Aubry. Garrett led Elianna from the alcove. With all due haste, they reached the veranda. He slowed his pace and slid a sideways look at her.
His breath hitched at the sight of her, from her perfect golden curls to her kissable ruby-red lips. His gaze trailed further down her body, admiring her soft curves and smooth plains. He’d always found her attractive, but tonight she was stunning. It would be his pleasure to hold her on the dance floor—once he discovered her secrets.
Garrett drew them to a stop and leaned on the balustrade leading down to the lawn. “You have yet to tell me your surname.”
“As I said before, it is not important.”
“Then why do you refuse to give it?” he challenged.
“Why do you insist upon having it?” she countered.
He could no more stop the smile that overcame him than one could stop the sea’s tide. He straightened and reached for her hand. “Is it so hard to believe I have a genuine interest in you?”
She averted her gaze. “Perhaps.”
He placed her hand on his arm once more. “Very well. Let us take a stroll and I will tell you about me.”
Elianna’s pulse raced as Garrett led her down the torch-lit paths of the garden. She hung on his every word while he recounted tales of his past. By the time they reached the sheltered area of the rose garden, she knew his full name, that he had no siblings, and that both of his parents were yet living.
She’d laughed at his antics when he recounted his school days. Her heart ached for him when he told her how his parents never had time for him. Now she studied him as they walked, truly seeing him for the first time. Hurt reflected in his eyes, and the fine lines etched in his face told her he’d suffered, too.
He drew her to stop near a torch, then turned to face her. “Now that you know all about me, might you share something about yourself?”
Elianna gazed into his eyes, searching, but for what she did not know. Regardless, comforting warmth shone in the green depths of them. “My parents are both deceased.” She glanced at the torch, tears welling in her eyes. She would not cry—not now—not here.
Garrett reached out, touching her face, guiding her attention back to him.
She blinked back the tears threatening to spill forth. If she dared to speak, she would lose the battle. Warmth spread through her as he studied her as if he could see clear to her soul.
Garrett released her, stepped back, and held out one hand. “May I have this dance?” He grinned wickedly.
“There is no music,” she said, unable to outright deny the request.
“We do not need it. Nature makes its own music.” He wiggled his fingers in encouragement.
Elianna placed her hand in his, stepping into his embrace. He pulled her scandalously close and they swayed to the chirping of the crickets. Her body heated further as their hearts beat together. When he began humming a familiar tune she could not help but sing along, their melody wrapping around her like a warm coverlet.
Garrett twirled her outward then brought her close again, whispering in her ear, “You are the stuff of dreams, a beautiful flower twirling in the breeze.”
A laugh bubbled up in Elianna and she could do naught to stop it. Smiling up at him, she could not help but wish for more time in his arms. She was so alive out here—with him.
“You dare to laugh at my antics?” A roguish grin lit his face.
“Indeed, I do.” Emboldened, she placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned in closer. “What do you intend to do about it?”
Elianna shivered in the most delectable way when he reached behind her, his fingers skimming the nape of her neck as he untied her mask. She reached up, taking hold of it as it slid from her face, revealing her to him.
His mouth came down on hers, warm and soft. A thrumming of excitement went through her as their mouths melded together. He reached up to caress her cheek as he deepened the kiss, causing tiny shivers of pleasure to trickle across her nerve endings. Elianna wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding on with all she had, fearful her knees would buckle at any moment from the sheer pleasure of his kiss.
He trailed light kisses across her cheek to the shell of her ear. “You are so beautiful.”
The low rasp of his voice nearly undid her as she turned her head boldly, recapturing his lips. She had only tonight and did not intend to waste a moment. He pushed one hand into the base of her hair, angling her head further while he circled his other hand around the small of her back, pulling her closer. She closed her eyes knowing she’d live in his kiss and touch as long as she were permitted. Then, she’d carry the memory with her always, holding it close to her heart.
Chime, chime, chime. Good heavens, she heard bells.
Chapter 8
Garrett swept his tongue into the honeyed softness of Elianna’s mouth, taking all she would allow him.
Their mouths moved with a harmony that required no thought as though they’d been born to kiss one another. She felt natural in his embrace, her lips on his. Bloody hell, the sensations she caused within him were unsettling, yet he found himself powerless to resist.
Elianna smoothed her palms around to his chest, sending spirals of heat and desire through him. He angled his head, delving deeper, his tongue dancing with hers. Had he ever held a woman as sweet?
Elianna stiffened in his embrace suddenly, then pushed him back with an unexpected force. Something serious, solemn, flashed across her face, like a falling star. “It’s nearly midnight. I must go.” Before she’d uttered the final syllable, she was sprinting down the path back toward the house.
His chest tightened as he fought to slow his breathing. Old hurts tangled with fresh wounds as thoughts of his parents’ abandonment crashed into him. Now Elianna was leaving him, too. He stared after her incredulously. What the devil was wrong with her? “Wait,” he called out, sprinting after her.
She failed to acknowledge him with even a backward glance. Her skirt flared behind her as she hastily fled from the garden, her form bathed intermittently in torchlight and then cloaked in darkness. If his lips were not scorched from her kiss, he’d think it all a dream.
Garrett pushed himself to run faster. His heart pounded more forcefully with every long stride. He would not allow her to get away without first explaining her sudden change in personality—passion. Rounding the veranda, he unsuccessfully reached for her—fingers skimming her gown. “Elianna, please stop.”
She only hastened, skirts clutched in one hand as she mounted the stairs leading back onto the stone veranda.
He followed on her heels, determination driving him. “Won’t you please—”