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Enticed by Lady Elianna (Fabled Love Book 3) Page 4
Enticed by Lady Elianna (Fabled Love Book 3) Read online
Page 4
“We can use the adornments you found to update the design and make the mask more ornate.” Anna pressed the gown against Elianna. “Moreover, I have the perfect person in mind to help.”
Elianna met her gaze. “Who?”
“My sister’s dear friend, Lady Aubry, is in attendance and just so happens to be a skilled seamstress. Before she became a lady, she made gowns from the cottage she shared with her grandmother. Can you imagine? A seamstress turned lady? There is a bit of proof for you that dreams do come true.”
“She sounds like a lovely person, but I do not believe it a good idea to involve anyone else.” Elianna held the silk frock tight to her chest. Additional help, especially from a seamstress, would be most helpful, but she dared not risk her secret being exposed.
“Do not be a ninny, Eli. We couldn’t possibly complete all of this work in addition to our chores…not in time for you to have your dance.” Anna crossed her arms over her midsection. “I vow to you, Lady Aubry will not say a word to anyone.”
Elianna glanced away, unable to keep Anna’s gaze while she processed her words. Perhaps the lady could be trusted. There was little use denying Anna’s proclamation about their time and chores. “Very well,” she agreed halfheartedly.
Chapter 5
Garrett strolled from the stable with his longtime friend, Lord Aubry, by his side. The pair had just returned from an invigorating afternoon ride. Excitement still pumped through Garrett’s veins adding extra swagger to his steps. There was nothing he enjoyed more than racing across the countryside on his prize stallion—nothing other than gambling, women, and booze at any rate. He had won the horse last season racing in London for a young widow’s favors. Garrett tired of her soon enough, but he would never tire of the stallion.
“London is calling for me.” Garrett rubbed his hand across his thigh, brushing away a bit of dust. He found the rituals of house parties rather tedious and the gaming, liquor, and loose women at this one in particular were in short supply.
He came for one reason only—Miss Elianna. It was his sense that she was in danger that drove his interest in her—the adventure and excitement of saving a damsel. He still intended to enjoy himself during the party, at the least partake in good gaming and a delectable widow on the side.
“The devil you say.” Aubry stomped his boot, dislodging a clump of straw from the stables. “I rather think it would suit you to find some enjoyment here. Perhaps a proper lady to court and wed?”
Garrett raised a brow in mock indignation. “Whoever needs that when London is full of improper ladies to bed?”
“London will kill you yet, old friend.”
Garrett grinned with amusement. “But what a way to go.”
“I can see the gossip column now.” Aubry waved his hand out in front of himself. “Garrett Tumbly, Viscount Sinclair, perished last evening with a belly full of port and a widow beneath him after having spent several hours at a popular gaming hell.” He chuckled, clearly enjoying himself at Garrett’s expense.
The elusive figure of Miss Elianna near the rear of the house caught Garrett’s attention. She wore a deep green gown with gold accents—the same shade she’d worn on their previous meetings. The Berkly servants wore the same colors. But Miss Elianna was no servant. She was a companion to Lady Caroline, perhaps a poor relation or a lady without the means to support herself, but not a commoner to be sure.
“Ugh.” A huff of air whooshed from him when Aubry jabbed his elbow into Garrett’s side. Recovered, he turned to his friend. “Take care, will you.”
“What interest do you have in that woman?” Aubry asked.
Garrett shot him a scathing look. “I met her in London along with Lady Caroline. Something about her caught my interest but not in the way you suppose.”
“Do you mean to tell me you’ve met a woman worth more to you than a quick tumble?” Aubry jested.
“Last night’s port must have gone directly to your head causing lasting damage.” He glanced back at Miss Elianna. “I have no wish to become romantically involved with anyone here. However, the girl is hiding something, and I intend to figure out what it is.”
“The party is not so grand that we should have a hard time discovering more about her. Tell me what you have to go on?”
Garrett’s pulse increased as he watched Miss Elianna making her way across the lawn, toward the house. His opportunity to speak with her again shrank with each step she took. Before long, she’d be out of sight and reach. He turned his attention back to Aubry. “Later. For now, you must excuse me.”
Aubry nodded.
Garrett turned to follow Miss Elianna, intent on charming her further—on discovering at least a morsel about her. Bloody hell. The woman moved fast. He pursued the area where she had just been, searching for her as he strode across the expanse of lawn between him and the residence. She could not have gotten far.
A streak of green skirts caught his eye, disappearing into the veranda doors. Another few strides and he, too, entered the house.
“Lord Sinclair. How nice to see you.” Lady Caroline traipsed across the parlor, her hips swinging seductively.
He gazed at Miss Elianna, who continued making her way across the room. “You as well, Lady Caroline, though I fear I am in a hurry at the moment.”
She boldly placed her hand on his arm, stilling him. “Surely you have a moment for me.”
Reluctantly, he turned to regard her and offered a smile. A pout tugged at her lower lip while her eyes danced playfully. He should refrain from being rude. Devil take it! She should not be approaching him in such an unabashed and inappropriate way.
He shook his arm free. “Perhaps later.”
“Lord Sinclair,” Lady Caroline called after him, an edge in her tone.
Garrett dared not look back as he marched across the room toward the door. Lady Caroline was a viper bent on snaring him. Her marriage-minded mama doing all she could to see the match happen. Constantly pushing Lady Caroline at him, talking about her attributes every chance she had, and arranging for them to sit near each other at meals—it was maddening. He would not find himself in the parson’s noose—sure as hell not with Lady Caroline.
He exhaled, pushing the notion from his mind. He’d not be wedding anyone. Ironic, since at this very moment, he chased a woman who seemed determined to shake him from her tail. Stepping into the hallway, he looked up and down its length for Miss Elianna.
She’d vanished.
Lady Aubry, Rose, squeezed her husband Hunter’s arm as they strolled through the gardens. “Did you see the way Lord Sinclair watched her?” She’d studied Lord Sinclair while he seemed enthralled with Miss Elianna moments before appearing to chase after her.
“Indeed.” Hunter drew them to a stop.
“He seems rather taken with her. The girl’s name is Elianna, but I know nothing else about her. Have you any knowledge of her?” Rose asked.
“I have never seen her before.”
“Nonetheless, do you think he has a fondness for her?” She dearly hoped so. Ever since Lord Sinclair had assisted Hunter in saving her from Mr. Wolfe, she’d wished he would find happiness.
“She is a pretty girl. He may desire her.” Hunter winked.
Rose blushed and slapped playfully at her husband’s arm. “Do be serious. I think she might be the one to mend his heart.”
“Always such an optimist, love.” Hunter dropped a kiss on her forehead.
Rose resolved to discover if there was a love match brewing and do all she could to assist the couple if there was indeed. Perhaps that was the very reason for Elianna’s determination to attend the ball. How splendid it would be for Lord Sinclair to make a match—more so if Rose could help him. She did so dearly wish to see him settled and happy.
Rose resolved to discover Miss Elianna’s feelings for Lord Sinclair late this afternoon when they were to meet and work on her frock.
Elianna’s cheeks still burned from the way Lord Sinclair had studied her outsi
de. Furthermore, who was the gentleman with him? She’d wager the pair had been discussing her—but to what end? Perhaps she should forget about the ball.
“There you are.” Anna rushed to her side. “Come along, Lady Aubry is waiting.”
Trepidation trickled down Elianna’s spine. If Lord Sinclair’s interest in her went beyond a desire to lift her skirt, she could be in very real trouble. He could discover the truth about her and cause any variety of trouble for her. Either way, she flirted with disaster. Lady Berkly would make her suffer if she caught her anywhere near the man. He was meant for Lady Caroline as far as her cousin was concerned, and Elianna well knew it.
“I fear I have changed my mind. The risk is too great.” She stood rooted in place, staring at Anna. “Do give Lady Aubry my sincerest apology along with my gratitude.”
“Do not be a goose,” Anna chided.
Elianna’s shoulders stiffened. “I am no such thing. I simply do not wish to suffer for my actions.”
Anna moved closer, placing a hand on Elianna’s arm. “Do not allow your circumstances to kill your dreams, Eli. Come, let us go to Lady Aubry, she’s waiting to do your final fitting.”
“I cannot go through with this.” Elianna allowed Anna to guide her down the hall despite her objections. Her mind whorled, exploring a variety of possible outcomes and consequences for sneaking into the ball. She did wish to attend, to dance in Lord Sinclair’s arms, but feared what might happen as a result. “What if I am found out?”
“No one will recognize you in the gown and mask we created. Lady Aubry was once a much sought after seamstress. Your gown is stunning. Not at all the frock of a servant and the mask covers most of your face.”
Anna steered Elianna closer to Lady Aubry’s chambers. Elianna’s slippers scoffed against the rug as they drew nearer. The gold papered walls of the passage seemed to close in on her as she fought against her growing anxiety.
“What if Lord Sinclair reveals my identity, and by doing so, discovers that I am a servant? Or worse, that I am truly a lady? He might become angry.”
“Nonsense.” Anna drew them to a stop, then rapped on Lady Aubry’s door. “Should he discover your secrets, he will keep them in confidence.”
“How can you be so certain?” Elianna asked as the door swung open.
Lady Aubry stood before them, a smile curving her lips. “There you are. Do come in.” She stepped aside, ushering them into the room before closing the door in their wake. “I have your gown ready.” She paused, studying Elianna. Concern shadowed her warm eyes. “Oh dear, what is amiss?”
Anna stepped forward, leaving Elianna standing near the door. “She is worried someone will recognize her.”
“It is certainly a risk, but from what I gather, you have little to lose.” Lady Aubry went to Elianna and took her chin between her thumb and forefinger, meeting her gaze. “If you do not wish to go through with your plan, no one will blame you, but do not make the decision in haste. You must decide if the risk is worth the reward.”
“Should you be found out, the worst that could happen is Lady Berkly turning you into a scullery maid, or Lord Sinclair being upset. Either way, Lady Berkly treats you like a slave, and Lord Sinclair will be departing Crystal Court after the house party,” Anna reasoned.
“Or I could be cast out of the only home I have ever known, and penniless to boot.”
“Do not be so dramatic.” Anna sighed.
Elianna weighed her choice. “And what might be the reward?”
Lady Aubry went to her armoire and pulled out a light blue ball gown. “You could dance in the handsome viscount’s arm. Maybe the two of you would fall in love. At the very least, you would enjoy the ball.” She held the gown up to Elianna. “Let us try it on.”
Elianna smiled. “I do not suppose there is any harm in seeing how it fits.”
Chapter 6
Elianna worked feverishly all day in an effort to finish her tasks. A measure of unease still tickled the back of her mind but she was determined to take the risk and attend the ball. Now if she could only find time to prepare. She glanced out the lead-paned window at the sun. The hour already grew late and she had yet to finish with Lady Caroline.
She turned her attention back to the girl and focused on pinning her dark curls into place. Lacing her stays had been a nightmare as Lady Caroline insisted on having them extra tight. Her gown had been almost as bad. Lady Caroline refused to be still as she fidgeted and chatted about the ball and her excitement. Even now, the girl kept angling her head and examining herself in the looking glass while Elianna did her best to complete her hair.
“Mama says tonight is my chance to secure Lord Sinclair as my future husband. She is confident he will ask for my hand.” Lady Caroline grinned at her reflection. “Is he not the most handsome gentleman you’ve ever beheld?”
Elianna’s chest tightened. He certainly was handsome, and charming, and… She would not think on him now…could not. “Indeed,” came her chaste reply.
Lady Caroline turned on her vanity bench, knocking Elianna’s hands from her hair.
Drat! At this rate, Elianna would never make it to Lady Aubry’s room in time to dress herself.
“Do you believe he will?” Lady Caroline looked at her with wide, hazel eyes.
“He would be a fool not to.”
Lady Caroline gave a nod before turning back around.
Elianna swallowed past the lump in her throat. It mattered not that she knew Lord Sinclair had no interest in Lady Caroline. The fact remained that she could not have him either. The urge to yank at the girl’s curls overtook Elianna. She wanted nothing more than to have the life she should be living. Instead, she had to listen to the girl prattle on all the while knowing she would never truly experience life, love, or happiness.
Elianna pinned the final curl before retrieving Lady Caroline’s jewel-encrusted mask. She did hope Lady Caroline had a smashing time tonight. The girl deserved to find love, too. It simply irked her to have to sit back and watch others get what she so desperately wanted—a chance, something most people took for granted. Lady Caroline certainly did.
“Tie it tight. The last thing I want is to be made a cake of because my mask fell off.”
Elianna did as instructed, pulling the ribbons as tight as possible.
With the mask secured, Lady Caroline spun around, her skirts flowing around her ankles. “Well? How do I look?”
“Beautiful.” Elianna forced a warm smile. “Might I be excused?”
Lady Berkly sailed into the room before Lady Caroline had the opportunity to reply. Her eyes sparkled as she took her daughter’s hands in hers. “You are a vision, my dear. Surely Lord Sinclair will be powerless to refuse you.”
“I do hope so.” Lady Caroline beamed back at her mother.
Elianna reached for the door. “I’ll leave the two of you to bond.”
“Elianna.” Lady Berkly turned a cool expression on her.
“Yes, my lady.”
“See that my own gown is ready for this evening. Once that is done, go check on Lord Berkly’s things. I want to ensure we are a great success tonight. To that end, you are to report to the ballroom and check on the arrangements there after you’ve seen to our wardrobes.”
Elianna’s stomach dipped. “As you wish, my lady.” She gave a slight bow before opening the bedchamber door.
“Oh, Elianna,” Lady Caroline called.
Elianna swallowed hard before looking back at Lady Caroline. “Yes, my lady.”
“I will require your assistance at midnight sharp. Be here waiting.”
“Very well.” Elianna gave a curtsy, then quit the room. With so much more to do, she feared she would never have time to prepare herself for the ball. Perhaps it was useless. Maybe she’d been correct when she decided to give up. No! Anna and Lady Aubry were correct. I have little to lose. She resolved not to allow Lady Berkly and Lady Caroline to ruin her evening. Elianna would conclude her newly minted tasks with haste. Then she wo
uld go to Lady Aubry.
Having made certain that her cousin’s garments were clean, pressed, and laid out for them, Elianna went to oversee the preparations in the ballroom. A plethora of servants occupied the room, buzzing from place to place like honeybees. Potted ferns and floral arrangements were placed around the perimeter. A long table had been set up near the far wall with a green and gold tablecloth covering it and fresh candles were being placed in the wall sconces and candelabras.
Elianna moved across the ballroom to peek out the veranda doors, which had been left open to circulate fresh air through the room. The sun now sank lower in the sky, its nightly descent well under way. At most, three hours remained before guests would start pouring into the space, and she had yet to make her way to Lady Aubry.
“Eli.” Anna tapped on her shoulder. “What are you doing in here?”
She turned to her friend. “Lady Berkly instructed me to oversee the preparations. It is almost as though she knows I have plans and wishes to stall me.”
“I am quite certain that is not the case.” Anna rolled her eyes.
“All the same, if I do not hurry things along, I will not have time to get ready.” Elianna turned to survey the room’s progress. “Go to Lady Aubry and tell her I will come as soon as I can.”
“Of course.” Anna grinned reassuringly. “All will work out. You’ll see.”
“I am going to hurry the servants along. The floor still needs polished and the musician’s area needs to be set up. The refreshment table must be set as well. Heaven help me.” Elianna placed a hand on her forehead. “But, it will all get done and I will be here later to dance.”
“Indeed you will.”
Elianna did not know why she believed her friend’s words. All the same, she did, and her excitement made her tasks less of a burden. She spent the next hour or so giving instructions, supervising the work, and helping to complete the preparations.
She must have been a sight with her skirts pushed up as she knelt on the floor polishing its surface, likewise, when she found herself on a ladder placing candles into a chandelier. She laughed a little as she glanced around at the finished ballroom. In a short amount of time she would be back to enjoy her labors. She grinned wickedly, knowing that no one else would know her secret.