Love's Legacy--World of de Wolfe Pack Page 7
He knelt beside her and together they lifted the lid. She glanced at him before reaching in to run her hand once more over the red fabric. After sucking in a breath she lifted it from the oak trunk. “I think it’s a gown.” She began spreading the garment out on the floor beside them.
“A medieval kirtle.” He said studying her movements with a mischievous twinkle in his blue eyes. “And chain mail.” He lifted out the heavy garments of iron links.
“Do you suppose they belonged to Sir Kenton and Lady Nicola?” She turned back to the trunk.
“It is possible. They appear old enough to have belonged to them.” He fiddled with the chain mail inspecting the iron links.
Rebecca smiled as she pulled out a man’s tunic and hose. “I would like to think they do, that your ancestors left behind a bit more than their great love story and legacy of battle.”
“Ah, that is where you are wrong.”
She raised one brow as she stared at him. “Wrong how?”
“It is love’s legacy they left behind. For it was love that conquered their hearts bringing them together despite the battle they waged between them.”
“Love’s legacy.” She turned his words over in her mind. One corner of her mouth lifted in a half smile as she met his gaze. “I like the sound of that.” She leaned forward peering into the trunk. A metal box remained inside tucked into a corner of the large chest. Her pulse quickened. There was something inscribed upon the top, but she couldn’t interpret what it said beneath the centuries of tarnish. “Look, and there is something engraved on the top.”
He glanced from her to the box. “Let me see it.”
She placed the silver box in his outstretched hand.
He rubbed his shirtsleeve across the inscription before tilting the box in the light. “It’s Latin, Amor Vincit Omnia.”
“Love conquers all.” She grinned back at him.
He handed her the box. “Open it.”
Her finger shook as she lifted the top to peer inside. A necklace rested on a bed of royal-blue fabric. A miniature painting hung from the chain. Her breath hitched as she stared at the honey-haired woman and dark-haired man, the carved stone hearth of the great hall behind them.
Camden sidled up next to her, his chin just above her shoulder as he studied the piece. The couple bore a striking resemblance to Rebecca and him. He found it hard to pull his gaze away from the bobble. “It is them, Sir Kenton and Lady Nicola.”
She nodded, her eyes brimming with tears as emotion overwhelmed her. “It is amazing.” She replaced the lid with care before putting the box back into the chest.
He placed his hand on the side of her face, rubbed his thumb back and forth across her cheekbone. “It pales in comparison to you, my wife.” Her heart soared as he pulled her to her feet. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he lifted her into his arms.
“Let us begin our own forever.” His lips joined with hers and in that moment she knew their souls would be intertwined for eternity.
Thank you so much to my beta readers and editors, Raven, Mary Anne, Ashley, Jamie, Liette, Elizabeth, Karen, and Christina. I could not have polished and shaped Love’s Legacy into the wonderful story it is without your help. Barbara, thank you for the beautiful formatting. Also a big hug and lots of thanks to my friends Nina, Anna, Kathryn, Raven, and Victoria for helping with the title and blurb. Lily, thank you for the amazing cover (
Amanda Mariel dreams of days gone by when life moved at a slower pace. She enjoys taking pen to paper and exploring historical time periods through her imagination and the written word. Some of Amanda's favorite places in the continental U.S. are Harper's Ferry, W.V. and Sea Brook, N.H. She loves the history surrounding them and visits every chance she gets.
Amanda lives along the Lake Huron shoreline in northern Michigan with her husband and two kids. She holds a Master of Liberal Arts Degree with a concentration in literature and has a long-standing love affair with sugary junk food.
You can find Amanda on all major retailers. Visit Amanda’s website for more information on her and her books, both published and upcoming.
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