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Love's Legacy--World of de Wolfe Pack Page 2
Love's Legacy--World of de Wolfe Pack Read online
Page 2
Her cheeks tinted a becoming shade of pink, yet she did not avert her gaze. “I have far more right to be here than you do.”
He dropped his hand from the cool stone wall and took a step closer to the spirited beauty. Her scent wrapped around him, enticing his senses with lavender and jasmine. It had been a long time since he’d smelled a woman’s flowery scents. “How so?”
Camden expected her to back away at his intrusion of her personal space, but instead she held her ground, those stormy eyes never leaving his. “Not that I owe you an explanation, but I reside in the area and saw light coming from the windows last evening. I felt it my duty to check on the castle.”
“And your husband allowed you to march over here and confront an unknown intruder?” The words left his mouth before he had time to consider them. It was a pointless question. He did not care whether she was married or not. Courting was the furthest thing from his mind.
“My parents did not know my intentions.”
A smile spread across his face of its own volition though he could not imagine why. He certainly did not want the viper-tongued lady for himself. Still, he rather enjoyed verbally sparring with her. He angled his head so his lips hovered just in front of her ear. “I could be dangerous.”
She flinched but did not step away from him. “I am not afraid of you.”
“You should be.” He straightened, meeting her gaze once again. Not a hint of fear reflected back at him. The chit was either daft or made of steel.
“I will not allow you to intimidate me.”
He leaned back against the wall, his gaze locked on hers. “I am Captain Camden Le Bec, descendent of Sir Kenton Le Bec and rightful owner of Babylon Castle.”
The lady’s eyes flashed with anger, her hands fisted at her sides. “Why didn’t you say so the moment I arrived? Why play games when the truth would have been simpler?” Without giving him the opportunity to answer she pivoted and marched for the stables exit.
He closed the distance between them then took hold of her elbow. “You were too busy ordering me off my land to have listened.”
The words he spoke were not entirely true. He’d baited her on purpose for his own amusement but he never expected her to become so upset. Now his deception caused his chest to squeeze as he stared at her striking profile.
The lady did not flinch, nor did she spare him a glance. She stood frozen upon the green summer grass, her back straight and shoulders squared as though she’d been carved in stone--an ornament belonging to the castle. After a long moment he released her.
Without as much as a sigh she strolled toward the gatehouse.
He narrowed his eyes as she moved further away, her feminine form washed in the sunlight and fog, hips swaying with each step. She’d been very brave to confront him. It was an admirable trait. He should apologize. Give her credit where she had earned it. Not just anyone would have taken an interest and sought to protect his property. He called after her, “I am sorry for not revealing my identity sooner.”
She glanced over her shoulder, eyes squinted. “I do not believe you regret your actions, nor do I believe you are the rightful owner of Babylon.”
He stared at her in disbelief. How dare she call him a liar. His pulse thundered in his neck. The chit was positively vexing. “Your beliefs are of no consequence. I am Captain Camden Le Bec, and I do own Babylon Castle. As for my apology, forget about it, I withdraw it.”
“I would have expected nothing less.” Without sparing another glance she made her way across the bailey, then through the gatehouse, before disappearing from view.
After all of that, he knew nothing about the lady. Not even her name. The only information she’d given was that her estate sat nearby. There were several country homes close enough for the occupants to have seen his lantern. Anyone of them could be hers. He should chase after her and demand to know her name.
No, he had no need of a name when he did not care to see her again. Camden shook his head. Whoever the lady proved to be, one thing was certain, she was the most vexing woman he’d ever encountered. If he never crossed her path again he would not miss her.
Thoughts racing, he marched back to the stable. He shouldn’t be paying her anymore mind, but no matter how he tried to distract himself, the confrontation with her continued to tumble through his thoughts.
Freeing his mount from behind the makeshift stone gate, he threw himself onto the horses back and squeezed his heels against the beast’s sides. He had better things to do than think of the viper-tongued chit.
It was well understood among those in the military that one gained an advantage by knowing their adversary. The chit certainly hadn’t been friendly. He called her image into mind, blond hair, flashing green eyes on a tall feminine figure.
Yes, he would know his adversary.
Rebecca quickened her pace, nearly stomping toward her estate. Mother would give her an earful about proper ladies if she caught sight of her, but Rebecca needed to burn off her anger somehow.
Not in all of her years had she met a man as devilishly handsome and utterly vexing as Captain Le Bec. He set her blood boiling, riling her with his words and demeanor. Excitement rushed through her bringing every nerve to life. He had no right to make her feel so alive. She’d never experienced such fire as this. All of her senses were heightened as she faced off with him, and when he whispered in her ear, a part of her wished he’d pull her into his arms. He was dangerous, a military man. He fought in wars. How could she desire him? Her cheeks warmed at the thought and she hastened her steps.
She’d avoided the morning’s activities by rising before anyone else at the estate. By now they were all awake and her absence was surely noted. As much as it pained her she would have to engage in the day’s activities.
The thought of spending all afternoon in her mother’s matchmaking company made her stomach flip. She loved her mother a great deal and would even go as far as saying she respected her mother’s desire to see herself and Phoebe well married, but it did not change the fact Rebecca had no desire to be matched. Perhaps she’d join her father’s hunting party. A novel idea, for once the hounds were released, she could ride in any direction she chose.
With renewed vigor, Rebecca made her way to her bedchamber. Ringing for her maid she retrieved her black velvet habit. The hunting party would be departing soon. She peered out her window at the men gathered below. No time to tarry. She did not want to risk being left behind.
The shuffle of feet made her turn.
“There you are. Tell me, did you discover the source of your light?” Phoebe trailed into the room waving her silk fan in front of her face. She sat at the mahogany vanity, pinning Rebecca with an intent stare.
Rebecca’s heart skipped a beat. If anyone discovered Camden’s presence, it would be all anyone spoke of. The last thing she wanted was constant reminders he was indeed real, and right across the creek at that. “You didn’t tell anyone, did you?”
“Don’t be a ninny. Your secrets are safe with me.” She tilted her head. “Now do tell what you discovered.”
Rebecca brushed lint off the bodice of her habit. It would serve her no purpose to lie to her twin. Phoebe would see right through any tale she wove. She’d never been able to hide anything from her.
“I did discover what caused the flickers of light, but there is nothing to it. Not really.”
“Now you are withholding facts. I suppose I could go tell mother after all.”
“No.” Rebecca squeezed her habit against her belly. “You must keep quiet.”
“It was only a jest. I told you I will not speak a word of your adventures. Only tell me what happened before I perish from curiosity.” Phoebe lifted her arm to place the back of her hand across her forehead in a dramatic flourish.
“Very well.” She sighed, glancing down at her habit for a moment. “Babylon’s owner is in residence.”
Phoebe’s eyes grew round. “No one has bothered with that
pile of stones in centuries. It cannot be fit for inhabitance. Who is he?”
“A despicable reprobate with terrible manners named Captain Camden Le Bec.” Rebecca turned her back to her. “There, I’ve told you all I know. Now be a dear and help me change.” She cast a glance over her shoulder. “I do not know what is keeping my maid but I must hurry.”
Phoebe rose and proceeded to unfasten the tiny row of buttons running down the back of Rebecca’s gown. “I see he made quite an impression upon you. Whatever did he do to earn your description of his character?”
“He treated me like a trespasser while he withheld his identity.” She slipped out of her gown and into the riding habit her sister held in front of her. “For the first time in my life I wish I would have stayed away from Babylon Castle.”
Phoebe looked up through thick lashes. “Is he handsome?”
She slanted her gaze toward her sister. “I suppose he is. Until he opens his mouth at any rate.” Rebecca smoothed her hands down her skirt before placing her bonnet on her head.
Phoebe laughed, her pink lips pulled into a wide grin. Amusement sparkled in her eyes. “I think I would like to meet this Captain Le Bec for myself.”
“Believe me, dear sister, you do not.” She strolled to the doorway. “If you’ll excuse me, I intend to join Father’s hunting party.”
“More likely you intend to disappear while the others hunt.” Phoebe stifled a giggle behind her fan.
A shaky smile tugged at her mouth in spite of her annoyance. “I beg to disagree, for what is hunting other than disappearing into the landscape, which I absolutely intend to do.”
“How very clever of you. In that case, enjoy the hunt.”
Rebecca winked at her sister. “I mean too.”
* * * *
Wisps of fog still clung to the ground as Rebecca steered her mount toward the hunting party. She offered a smile to her father as she drew closer before pulling rein beside him.
“I’m glad you decided to join us.” Father’s horse sidestepped and he held the reins tighter. “Once Captain Le Bec arrives we can start.”
Rebecca’s stomach fluttered in an unsettling way. Her smile faltered. Surely she’d heard wrong. When would her father have made Camden’s acquaintance? She looked back toward the house. Perhaps she should reconsider her plans for the day.
“Ah, here’s the captain now.” Father lifted his hand from his thigh, pointing into the distance.
Too late. Camden raced toward them on his stallion. Queasiness set in and she averted her gaze. How would she get out of this now?
“Captain Le Bec, I’m pleased you could join our hunt. Allow me to introduce my daughter, Lady Rebecca.”
She pasted on a smile and met Camden’s gaze.
“A pleasure, my lord.” Camden tipped his head to her before looking back to her father. “On both counts.”
A whoosh of bated breath escaped her. Thank heavens he’d kept their previous meeting secret. If father were to find out she so brazenly approached Camden he’d assign a proper and permanent chaperone to her. And mother. A shudder ran down her spine. Mother would try to match them.
She guided her horse to follow the party, biding her time. In a moment father would order the hounds released, and then she could make her escape. Camden would follow the hounds along with the rest of the hunters, and she would find a quiet place to spend the afternoon. She snuck a peek at him. Her heart skipped a beat when she caught him studying her. The devil winked at her before returning his attention to the dogs. Heat seared her cheeks, her stomach fluttering, just as it had before.
“Release the hounds.” Her father’s baritone filled the air.
She spurred her mount forward following the pack toward the river. She’d have to wait until everyone was well distracted to separate from them. It would not do to be noticed.
The hounds cut east across the property, the hunting party right behind them. She slowed her mount to put more distance between herself and the party. Once she was certain no one would catch her, she directed her horse toward Babylon. The castle was her favorite place to pass time, and since Camden had joined the hunt she had no reason to fear being caught there.
The castle came into view, its walls jutting up from the lush green grass. Rebecca crossed the shallow creek, water splashing up in her wake. A sense of freedom surged in her veins. As she galloped up the slope toward the postern wall she patted the book she’d hidden in her saddlebag. She could think of no better way to spend a summer afternoon.
A cool breeze tossed the curls about the back of her neck as she retrieved her book then slid off her sidesaddle. Her book fell from her hand, landing in the grass at her feet. Rebecca snatched the volume up before securing her horse. Once done, she moved to the bricked-over postern gate. What she would give to learn why it had been sealed off.
She lifted one hand trailing her fingers across the rough, cool bricks. They held secrets, of that she was certain. The whole castle had a story to tell. Oh, she knew a little, but she longed to hear the entire tale. Her eyelids fluttered shut. Someday.
“My lady.”
Rebecca bit her bottom lip. Camden. He’d followed her after all, the devil. His voice, his mere presence heated her skin way too much.
“The hounds went east. Whatever are you doing here?”
She notched her chin up meeting his stare. His blue eyes danced mischievously. She’d have given anything to smack that smirk off his too-handsome face. “I lost the trail.”
“And you happened to have a book with you by coincidence.” He nodded at her hands.
Drat. She’d forgotten all about the book the moment she’d heard his voice. Her pulse quickened. “Never mind me. What are you doing here? You were in the party as well.”
“I forgot all about the hunt the moment I saw you.” He drew closer to her.
Heat flared across her chest, up her face. “Me?”
“Indeed. I suspected I might come across you. It is the very reason I accepted Lord Chesterfield’s invitation. Though I must admit I did not expect to find you along for the hunt.”
Invitation? Lord Chesterfield? Drat! Father had invited him to the house party. She edged away, her back bumping into the bricked up gate. “And now?”
“Now I intend to make amends. Let us forget this morning and begin anew.”
“Why?” She imagined a caged rabbit being more comfortable. Her pulse thumped, but she kept her face cool. She had no desire for him to know how rattled he was making her.
“I intend to stay at Babylon for a while. I am also attending your family’s house party. Would it not be best for us to get along?” He shifted his weight from one leg to the other.
She moved to her horse before turning back to him. “I suppose it would make things more pleasant. That is if I planned on attending any more events. I assure you, I do not.”
“And if we cross paths away from the party?”
She hoisted herself onto her beast, settling into the sidesaddle. “You are free to ignore me, and I promise you, I will do the same. Good day, Captain Le Bec.”
Whatever made him think she would take him at his word? He’d already proved less than honorable. She’d not give him leave to do so again. She nudged her mount into a gallop leaving the vexing man to stare after her.
Camden drove in another nail on the stall door and stepped back to survey his work. He wiped his brow and looked down at himself. Grime and dust covered his hands, face, and garments. He brushed at a streak on his shirt, but his action only smeared the dirt across the white cloth.
“Some gentleman I make, huh?”
A hearty neigh drifted from one of the stalls and his horse tossed its brown head.
“I don’t see you working hard here.” He grinned and rubbed his back.
The day had been hectic. He’d made up a makeshift bed in one of the third-floor chambers, and the old solar now contained a wingback chair along with a table. Woodworking had alwa
ys been a hobby of his. The work allowed him to focus his energy on something other than Rebecca and his memories from the war.
He’d supervised cleaning and repairs around the castle and seen the kitchen stocked with food. Lord Chesterfield had been most generous insisting Camden use one of his footmen rather than going into Manchester himself to hire a couple of laborers and purchase supplies. The gesture saved him copious amounts of time. Now he had two servants and the necessary commodities. Babylon didn’t look like a lord’s castle, but it would do for now.
He glanced at the stable’s exit, Rebecca’s heart-shaped face, lush rosy lips, and fiery green eyes intruded on his thoughts. He snatched up another nail and pounded it into the wood as if to chase the memory away. The hammer slipped landing a blow to his thumb. “Bloody hell.”
No lady had ever turned her back on him before, but Rebecca had done so twice in the same day. By all accounts he was a handsome and successful captain in the British Army. Women threw themselves at him everywhere he went. Not Rebecca. He massaged the back of his neck. She’d treated him like a fly buzzing about her golden curls.
He retrieved the tool from the floor where it had dropped, ignoring the throbbing in his thumb. The stall was the last of his intended repairs, unless he chose to stay on at Babylon. He’d not stop until the task was completed.
Another neigh made him turn his head back to the entrance. Rebecca had stood in that very spot, capturing his curiosity from the first moment he laid eyes on her. She’d been bold and vexing, but also fearless and beautiful. Then later at the gate, he’d seen her passion and fire as they faced off again. Warmth spread through him at the memories. Heaven help him, he longed to know more about her.
He’d had no intention of attending the house party beyond the hunt despite what he’d said to Rebecca. Lord Chesterfield had extended the invitation, but Camden had not committed to attending. He shook off the thoughts of her and gave the hammer a last whack, driving the nail down. Such events were the very thing he aimed to avoid by lingering at Babylon rather than returning home.